“He Blinded His Own
That the Gentile Nations Might Find

the Door of Salvation
January 2009



Although I have not heard a “thus saith the Lord”, this message has been downloaded in to my spirit for nearly two years. I feel compelled to write this inner-vision to inform the Church (from the Gentile nations) of the many and great sacrifices that have taken place in order that they (the Church from the Gentile nations) might inherit “Salvation.”

“If” the Church really believes in the “power of the spoken word” then it is now time we called Jesus by His rightful and proper name, Yeshua! The name of Jesus has little significance to the Jew with the exception of, the horrific times of the crusades. The name of Jesus does not have a meaning in Hebrew, however the Hebrew/Jewish name of Yeshua literally means “Salvation.”

This is only one example of the Church continuing to distance herself from her Jewish roots, so a Greek name was adopted for the Jewish Messiah. Perhaps it is because the Church does not truly understand the tremendous anguish of separation that was caused by the Lord when He “Blinded His Own” for our sakes! He did so only for a season in order that the Gentiles from the nations would find Salvation.

As was the Hebrew/Jewish custom of the day, the engagement of the Bride and the Groom lasted for about a one year period and during that time, the Groom would go away and build the home where the couple would reside.

Remembering the parable of the Ten Virgins, five wise and five foolish, of which the five wise virgins brought along extra oil while the five foolish did not. The hour was late and the Bridegroom had delayed His Coming.

The five foolish virgins were about to run out of oil so they asked the five wise to give them oil but the wise virgins said if we do so then we will surely run out. The five foolish virgins went to buy more oil and while they were gone, the bridegroom arrived and took the five wise virgins and went in to the house and the door was shut!

This is a picture of Yeshua coming for His Bride who had made herself ready and when they entered the house (eternity) the door was shut. By the word “shut”, this denotes finality!

I would like to submit for your consideration, a question.

What would have happened
“If” the Lord had not temporarily blinded the Jewish People?


Have we (gentiles) really considered what would have taken place “IF” our Heavenly Father had NOT placed the scales on the eyes of the Jews? If He had not blinded their minds and hearts from seeing who Yeshua really was? There are many obvious facts that are now open and available to us believers that we say, “how could they (the Jewish people) not see, how could they not understand that Yeshua was the Messiah?

Out of His love for us, came anguishing pain of a defined separation and a scattering of His people, the Lord from His “little ones”. (Zech 13:7) For since the promises came to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, they have been crying out, “how long Oh Lord, will we be counted as sheep for the slaughter, how long will you distance yourself from us?

When will Messiah come and visit us in the midst of our infirmity, in the midst of our sin?

For the nations have believed a lie and have shown nothing but hated toward the Jewish people because the nations also hated Elohim (our Father). The enemy knows that If he can derail the Jew’s acceptance of Yeshua, then he has usurped the purposes of God.

For Jesus, Yeshua said to the Jews, ”surely you shall not see me again until you say, “Baruch Haba B’Shem Adonai”. That is to say, until you say, Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.”

Thank you Father, that in your infinite wisdom and longsuffering and unwavering love for the Gentile nations, you allowed all forms of harm, persecution and death to come to your own people to your “Lovely and Delicate Woman” (Jer 6:2B) that we might be saved.

For if you had not done so, it would have meant that multitudes of people from the Gentile nations would have been lost for all eternity. We would have had absolutely no choice in the matter of Salvation, “the door” would have been shut, and we would have been left in utter darkness and destruction, without joy, without peace and without a hope for our future.

Are you beginning to feel a greater love for His Jewish People?

Without the Jews, we would have no patriarchs,
Without the Jews, we would have no prophets,
Without the Jews, we would have no apostles,
Without the Jews, we would have no Bible
Without the Jews, we would have no Yeshua,…“our Jewish Messiah!”

This is much like asking the Groom and the Bride to wait for their marriage, can you imagine? That their union be delayed that we might come and be allowed to enter in as a part of that Lovely Bride whom we have been engrafted.

Yes, both the Lord and the Jews have paid an incredibly high price to wait for and to grace us Gentiles with the opportunity to come in to the house of Salvation before that door is shut. Now it is our privilege to wait a very short while as “the times of the Gentiles have nearly been fulfilled.

For if their (the Jews) (temporary) rejection is the reconciling of the world (Gentile nations), what will their (the Jews) acceptance be but life from the dead (for us Gentiles)? Romans 11:13-15)

having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity. Ephesians 2:15-16

Steve Grable
