“Make Ready Your Weapon”
March 11, 2015
I was seated comfortably in my home however I was in different room than I would normally be sitting. On the other side of my condo is my bedroom where I usually keep a weapon (handgun) for protection.
The thought then occurred to me, if someone came in quickly and attacked me, I should keep the weapon within easy grasp.
Within just a moment, I felt almost as if someone (Holy Spirit) was shoving me up and out of the chair. This act seemed to be connected with the thought of going into the other room and retrieving my weapon.
When I did go into my bedroom I was detoured from picking up the handgun however without even thinking, I suddenly found myself be made readied to fight!
Then I felt the hands of the Holy Spirit upon the sides of my waist almost as if He were holding me back from stepping out to engage this hidden enemy.
At that moment, the thought came to me that I wanted to actually touch the fingers of the Holy Spirit that I could physically feel restraining me. So I purposely took my right hand and moved it across my body to feel the fingers upon His hand. There was almost like an impartation of strength and boldness when I made the conscience decision to engage and touch Him.
Then I heard the Holy Spirit say these words,
“Make Ready Your Weapon”
While I had initially believed this intrusion to be in the physical and was led to take steps to prevent this attack, I finally realized this was not a battle with flesh or blood!
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12 KJV
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; 2nd Corinthians 10:4 kjv
Oh Saints,
Awaken, Warn and Prepare your weapon for warfare!
Stir up those gifts within you!
The Lord will always visit His church first before any truly great move of God will come. Why would God begin a Harvest of Souls when His house (the Saints) are in such disarray? What can a house that is divided accomplish?
And how can the Body of Christ be in Unity with the Lord unless they first are individually in unity within themselves? The Saints have been splintered with emotional and physical wounds from the day of their birth but that is about to be addressed by the Spirit of the Lord.
“When” you see the healing of the Saints and they are made “Whole” in body, soul and mind, “then” know the Great Harvest is about to follow.
That will the sign! When the Saints are made whole in body, soul and mind, only then can their personal body be in unity causing the Body of Christ to be in perfect unity with the Lord Jesus.
Beginning this fall (2015) will begin a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit to bring the Saints into Wholeness and Holiness. When these things occur, know the Church will have a very short window of ministry to the world.
Many years ago I heard the Lord speak the following.
“Now is the status quo, my people (the Saints) are struggling and suffering and learning. But when the hard days come and they will come, the Saints will rise to the top like cream”.
This is the beginning of that time!
The Lord has given me well over a hundred dreams depicting primarily future events.
The following dream occurred last year.
I was entering a nearby mall (a real place) called “Miracle City Mall”.
Was about to enter into the Mall with an incredible amount of things in my arms that extend far above my head and far beyond the reach of my arms AND yet, it was not heavy or even cumbersome.
As I was about to enter the doorway, a man (an angel) at a short distance away was saying, “who can carry such a load as this?”
Yet I knew, I was not carrying this massive object but the Lord!
When we finally come to the understanding that He is strong tower in the midst of our weakness, “then we will see miracles and signs and wonders.”
But the best part of the dream came as I entered the mall. There were bodies of people covering the entire mall floor. I had to walk carefully between the bodies of all the people. They were not dead but had been slain by the Holy Spirit.
Then the Lord asked me a question.
“Do you see anyone standing?
Do you see anyone ministering or praying?”
Finally the Lord said, “This will be a sovereign move of My Spirit!”
Stir up your gift within you oh Saints! Make ready your weapons!
The battle is being arrayed and the Saints are about to be endued with wholeness, unity and a holy boldness that will shake the nations.
That gift that is in you may have not have been utilized as you had first anticipated. But now you will see the Lord use your gifting in incredible ways and through you will Holy Spirit call out and bring many into the Kingdom.
Blessings to you and your house,
Steve Grable