“A Meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu”

The dream took place in a room with several people behind me and one to my immediate right and Benjamin Netanyahu was standing before me.

The gentleman to my right was introducing me to Mr. Netanyahu and something funny was said and we all had a wonderful laugh to the extent that the one introducing us had to excuse himself and also went behind me.

The strong impression was that Benjamin Netanyahu and I became good friends and allies as a result of this meeting.


Just prior to this dream,
another dream took place and many times the Lord will give me two or more dreams and the Spirit will convey to me that they are connected to one another.

The prior dream took place outside in a vegetable and fruit market in Israel.

Had the impression that I had come there with a group and had an out of body experience and both saw myself and this lady speaking under a canvas canopy and heard myself say, I will be staying in Israel because the Lord has things for me to accomplish here.

End of dream


Steve Grable
